One of the most cultural but poorly promoted places in Sergiev Posad is the "Once Upon a Time" Peasantry Museum in a backsteet 5 min from the Lavra. Here in a carved wooden house lives artist and collectioner Victor Bagrov. In his private museum you will see various artefacts of old Russian peasantry from medieval foundings to 19th-century copies and feel true Russian spirit.
Periodically Victor exhibits theme handicraft - Slav symbols, old Russian armor... At the entrance you'll encounter birch bark pottery and embroidery. The midroom presents traditional dolls, metalwork and of course pieces of woodwork. Most curious tourists/historians may be let into the secret room with extra handicrafts. Some might want to support this enthusiast's collection by buying unique souvenirs.
I can easily bring you to this amateur museum and introduce Victor who will guide you through his exhibit history.